Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Lupita has a New Job

Last week, Lupita began training for her new job at The Blue Door Café!  This sweet, little coffee shop is owned by some friends of ours from Union Church.  Lupita is very excited to have this opportunity and is learning the coffee biz very quickly.   Of course, this brings a whole new dynamic to our home.

  We are caring for Keyri when she works; about 20 hours a week.   The owners of the café told her that when she needs to, she can bring Keyri with her to work.  So, we are taking it one day at a time, and so far, so good. 

Last Friday, we dropped Lupita off to work and Keyri was NOT happy about leaving her momma there.  We worked through that with LOTS of tears, and she ended up having a great night.  Little Keyri is used to things going her way.  Unfortunately, here in El Salvador, most parents just indulge their children in order to keep the peace.  They don’t know any other way.  So, little by little, I am trying to help Lupita see the wisdom of a different path of parenting.  It is hard for her.  It is revolutionary for her to actually say ‘no’ to the little princess!  Or to make her eat her food at meal times instead of picking at it, leaving the table, and eating candy. She doesn’t take naps, or have a bedtime.  Lupita doesn’t realize that she can discipline her to lay down when she says.  She tells me, “I guess Keyri isn’t tired.” Ha! Oh, I could go on and on!  But, I am trying to (patiently) give her advice and guidance in order to not overwhelm her.  The fact that we are now going to be caring for Keyri while she works much of the time, means that we will have to work as a team, and that means being on the same page.  PLEASE pray for wisdom for me as I navigate this area of ministry.  It has not been easy.  Lupita has always been teachable, so that really helps.  When I have suggested she try something, she jumps on it, and seems very pleased with the results.  

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